The frame is a skeleton, but when it is shipped, it is wrapped and packed. Since it is packed in cardboard, newspaper, and petite, it will be about 4 cm to 6 cm larger than the actual size. Large products are calculated by volume, so in the case of a frame, the volume will differ regardless of the displacement. Therefore, there are many products with a packing size of 14 years old even with a 50cc frame. Isn't the shipping cost too high? You may be wondering, but we are showing the shipping fee by volume calculation, so please understand.
The engine is packed in a wooden frame and shipped. Due to the shipping regulations with Seino Transportation, it is not possible to ship the engine alone or by simple packaging. Although the volume is small, the weight of the wood is about 2 to 4 kg in addition to the weight of the engine alone. Although it is shipped to corporations, please help with unloading as much as possible. If you cannot receive the item due to a change in business day or a temporary holiday, please contact the nearest sales office in advance. Please be sure to mention the slip number when contacting the sales office.